Saturday 18 August 2012

Vaishno Devi

Vaishno Devi

Basic Information:

The shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi is one of the most visited pilgrim sites in India. Situated at a height of 5, 300 ft., the site is located inside a cave in a hill. One of the most visited pilgrim sites in India, the shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi is located in a cave, amidst the folds of the Trikuta Bhagwati hill at a height of 5, 300 ft., in the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J & K). This cave temple is at a distance of 61 kms from Jammu and the last 13 kms of the way have to be negotiated on foot by the yatris, as the devotees are called. Once at the entrance to the cave, the path turns into a narrow tunnel with a cold stream named the Charan Ganga running through it. The pilgrim has to wade through this to reach the sanctum sanctorum. In the cave there are images of three deities viz. the Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Katra, the town at the foot of the Trikuta hills is the base camp for the Vaishno Devi shrine. Katra is 48 km from Jammu.

Histroy of Holy Shrine:

As per the legend, during the period when the Goddess was busy in annihiliting the Asuras, Her three main manifestations viz. Mata Maha Kali, Mata Maha Lakshmi and Mata Maha Saraswati got together one day and pooled their collective Tejas or spiritual strength. A stunningly bright light emanated from the place where the Tejas of the three manifestations coalesced and a beautiful young girl emerged out of this Tejas. The young girl asked them, "Why have I been created?'' The Devis explained to her that they had created her so that she would live on earth and spend her time in upholding righteousness. He Devis added, "Now, go and take birth in the house of Ratankar and his wife who reside in the southern part of India, and who are great devotees of ours. Live on earth. Uphold righteousness and evolve yourself spiritually so that you reach higher levels of consciousness. Once you have attained the appropriate level of consciousness you will merge into Vishnu and become one with him.'' So saying they blessed the girl. Sometimes later a very beautiful girl child was born to Ratankar and his wife. The couple named the child Vaishnavi. The girl right from her childhood displayed a hunger for knowledge which was like a vortex and which no amount of teaching and learning could sufficiently satiate. Subsequently, Vaishnavi started looking into her inner self for knowledge, and soon learned the art of meditation and realized that meditation and penance only could bring her close to her greater objective. Vaishnavi thus relinquished all household comforts and went deep into the forest for Tapasaya (meditation). Meanwhile, Lord Rama, during his fourteen years of exile happened to visit Vaishnavi who recognized him immediately as no ordinary being but the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and immediately asked him to merge her into himself so that she could become one with the supreme creator.

However Lord Rama, knowing that it was not the appropriate time, dissuaded her by saying that he would visit her again after the end of his exile, and at that time if she succeeded in recognizing him, he would fulfill her wish. True to his words, Rama visited her again after being victorious in the battle, but this time he did so in the disguise of an old man. Unfortunately, Vaishnavi was unable to recognize him this time and was distraught. Upon this, Lord Rama consoled her that the appropriate time for her being one with the creator had not come, and that time would come eventually in 'Kaliyug' when He (Rama) would be in his incarnation of 'Kalki'. Rama also directed her to meditate, and set up an Ashram at the base of Trikuta hills, to elevate her level of spirituality so as to bless mankind and rid the poor and destitute of their sufferings.Only then would 'Vishnu' merge her into himself. Vaishnavi, immediately set off for the northern part and after immense hardships, reached the foot of the Trikuta Hills. After reaching there she set up her ashram there and began to meditate.
As predicted by Lord Rama, her glory spread far and wide, and people began to flock to her Ashram to seek her blessings. As time passed, a Guru named Gorakh Nath who had a vision of the episode between Lord Rama and Vaishnavi in the retrospective time frame, became curious to find out whether Vaishnavi has been able to attain a high level of spirituality or not. He, therefore, sent his most able disciple 'Bhairon Nath' to find out the truth. Bhairon Nath on locating the ashram started observing Vaishnavi secretly, and realised that though a 'Sadhvi' she always carried bow and arrows with her, and was always surrounded by langoors (apes) and a ferocious looking lion. Bhairon Nath was enamored by Vaishnavi's extraordinary beauty, and losing all good sense he began to pester Vaishnavi to marry him. Meanwhile a staunch devotee of Vaiashnavi, Mata Sridhar organised a Bhandara (Community meal) in which the whole village and Guru Gorakh Nath along with all his followers including Bhairon were invited. During the course of Bhandara Bhairon Nath attempted to grab Vaishnavi but she tried her best to daunt him. On failing to do so, Vaishnavi decided to flee away into the mountains to continue her Tapasaya undisturbed. Bhairon Nath however chased her to her destination.
The goddess after halting at (present day) Banganga, Charan Paduka, and Adhkwari, finally reached the holy cave Shrine. When Bhairon Nath continued to follow her despite the goddess trying to avoid a confrontation, the goddess was compelled to kill him. Bhairon Nath met his ultimate fate when the goddess, just outside the mouth of the cave, beheaded him. The severed head of Bhairon fell with a force at a distant hilltop. Bhairon Nath upon death realised the futility of his mission and prayed to the deity to forgive him. The almighty Mata ( Mother Goddess) had mercy on Bhairon and gave him a boon that every devotee of the goddess would have to have the Darshans of Bhairon after having the Darshans of the Goddess and only then would the yatra of a devotee be complete. Meanwhile, Vaishnavi decided to shed off her human form and assuming the face of a rock she immersed herself into meditation forever. Thus Vaishnavi, in the form of a five and a half feet tall rock with three heads or the Pindies on the top is the ultimate destination of a devotee. These Pindies constitute the Sanctum Sanctorum of the holy cave known as the shrine of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Ji, which is revered by one and all.
Destinations before Reaching Vaishno Devi

Darshani Darwaza:

The entry gate to the track is around 1 km from the bus stand at a point known as Darshani Deodhi (meaning entrance) or Darshani Darwaza (meaning gate). Legend says that Mata Vaishno Devi met Pandit Shridhar at this spot in the form of a girl child. This is also known as Darshani Darwaza because from here one gets a complete view of the Trikuta parbat (mountain). The term Darshan stands for view; hence symbolically this is the first Darshan of the Yatra. This spot is at 2800 feet above sea level.

 Ban Ganga: 

The name of this river comes from two terms, Ban and Ganga. Ban means Arrow and Ganga stands for the sacred river Ganges. It is believed that Mata Vaishno Devi, while on her way to the Holy Cave, created this water body with an arrow from her quiver, hence the name Banganga. It is also said that she had taken a dip in it and had washed her hair here. Thus some people also prefer to call it Bal Ganga, the term Bal meaning hair in Hindi.

Charan Paduka:

About 1.5 kms. From Banganga and at an altitude of 3380 feet is Charan Paduka, the place where the imprints of Mata's pious feet are believed to be imprinted on a rock slab. The Darshans at Charan Paduka do not take more than a few minutes on a normal day. One pays obeisance at the footprints of Mata engraved on a rock slab and proceeds further. Symbolically, it means touching the feet of Mata and seeking her blessings at the start of the journey.

Ardh Kuwari Cave (Garbh Joon):

Pilgrims first go to the temple at Adhkawari and then enter the narrow cave of 15 ft known as Garbha Joon. At most places the cave is not more than two feet wide. In spite of this people of all sizes are able to crawl through it. This cave is believed to be symbolic of the womb. The legend states that Garbha Joon where the Goddess hid herself for nine months and showed herself to a saint. The cave is narrow, and you have to almost crawl all the way through it. When Bhairo nath entered the cave, the Goddess made a new opening with her trident and ran away.

Sanjhi Chatt:

Sanji Chhat is a delightful little plateau two and a half kilometers short of the Holy Shrine of Vaishno Devi Ji. Since, the upward gradient ends at this point and because of the scenic view it offers, this place is a pleasant halt for the pilgrims


The Holy Bhawan houses the Sanctum Sanctorum – the Holy cave which is the ultimate destination of the yatries. Inside the Holy Cave the Goddess has revealed herself in the form of Holy Pindies manifesting Mata in her three forms Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Mata Saraswati. A pilgrim can get the first glimpse of Bhawan around 1.5 Kms before he actually reaches there. The first sight of the Holy Bhawan brings a sudden upsurge of energy and all the tiredness of the strenuous climb evaporates immediately as if by a magic wave of some mystic wand. The fact that the last 1.5 km of the Yatra is either level or gently sloping downwards is a big relief to those tired muscles. The feeling of having almost reached their fills the devotees with extra fervor and devotion. The last 1.5 kms. are then covered on wings, as it were, and in no time, the yatri reaches Bhawan.

Bhairon Ghat: 

After the darshan of the Holy Cave at Bhavan, your next destination is Bhairon ghat, It’s said that without the darshan of Bharion nath, the yatra is incomplete. So it is very important to visit Bharion Ghat , which is the last destination in the entire yatra.

How to Reach

Nearest Rail Head:
Jammu and Udhampur Railway Station Katra Railway Station under progress should start by 2014. We can get trains to majority of stations in India

Katra is well connected to major cities by road. Frequent buses are available from Delhi, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Ludhiana

Jammu Airport, Flights are available to major cities like Mumbai, Delhi and also have connecting flights from Delhi onwards

Winter Months are December and January, where you can get to see snow fall
The temperature is between -3 to 11 degree in winter and 11 to 30 degree in Summer

Where to stay:
Apart from the Accomodation provided by Shrine board, there are numerous Lodge, 3* and 4* hotel available in katra Lodge starting at Rs 400 per day and Hotels Starting at Rs 800/- a day
Some Good Hotels are
Hotel Vaishno Devi
Hotel White
Hotel Shri Hari Nivas
You can call and have the bookings done or get in touch with us for the best deals on Hotels in Katra

Packages for Vaishno Devi from Vaishani Holidays
  • Mumbai-Delhi-Jammu-Katra-Delhi –Mumbai
  • Mumbai-Delhi-Amritsar-Katra-Delhi-Mumbai
  • Mumbai-Delhi-Jammu-Katra-Patnitop-Delhi-Mumbai
  • Mumbai-Delhi-Jammu-Katra-Phalgham-Srinagar-Gulmarg-Jammu-Delhi-Mumbai

We also arrange for flight and Train Tickets at lowest possible rates.

Train Tickets* (confirmation subject to availability)

We advice our clients to take a Train to Delhi and From Delhi to Jammu/Amritsar, as the tickets are easily available

Please Feel to call us anytime for your best Holiday at the best rates

Mr Ritesh Gvalani – +91-9819-154-937 / 67

Mr Vivek Bhavsar -  +91-8976-340-533

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